Drinking water should be acidic or alkaline
You may have heard many claims about the health benefits of alkaline water. Some say it can help slow the aging process, regulate body pH, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer. But what is alkaline water and why is it so loud? The “alkalinity” of alkaline water refers to its pH level. The pH level is a number that measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance on a scale from 0 to 14.Alkaline water has a higher pH than normal drinking water. For this reason, some advocates of alkaline water believe that it can neutralize acids in the body.
The measure of acidity and alkalinity is called the pH value. A pH value of 7 means that the substance is neutral. Lower values indicate acidity, while higher values indicate alkalinity. To better understand the pH range, see the following examples: Apple Juice 3, Orange Juice 3.5, Coffee 5.5, Milk 6.2, Baking Soda 8.5, soapy water 10, and bleach 12.
What does pH mean for water?
Basically, the pH value is a good indicator for judging whether the water is hard or soft. Pure water PH 7.Generally, water with a pH less than 7 is considered acidic, and water with a pH greater than 7 is considered alkaline. The normal pH range in a surface water system is 6.5 to 8.5, and the pH range for groundwater systems is 6 to 8.5.Alkalinity is a measure of the water’s ability to withstand pH changes that make the water more acidic
.To determine the corrosively of water, it is necessary to measure the alkalinity and ph. Exposure Excessive consumption of acidic or alkaline water is dangerous, EPA warns. Drinking water should have a pH value of 6.58.5 is within the EPA standard, and in addition, note that even within the acceptable pH range, slightly elevated or low water can be unattractive for a number of reasons.
Expertise Wilkes University points to another problem with drinking water and pH: High pH water is often hard. They note that hard water “poses no health hazard, but can cause cosmetic problems. Among the problems associated with hard water, they cite the formation of scale in accessories that have a bitter taste, do not foam well and reduce the performance of the water heater. They suggest that water can be softened with ion exchange water softeners.
According to a Wilkes University study, the relationship of pH to atmospheric gases and temperature this is the main reason why water samples need to be analyzed regularly. Research shows that the pH value of water is not a measure of the strength of water. Acidic or alkaline solutions, and by themselves, cannot give a complete picture of the characteristics or limitations of the water supply. While the ideal drinking water pH should be from 68.5, the human body maintains a stable pH balance and does not depend on water consumption. For example, our stomach has a naturally low pH of 2, which is a beneficial acidity that helps us digest food.
How much water should you drink per day?
Most people are advised to drink 64 ounces of water a day, but this is just a general guideline. Some people may need more and others less, depending on how their day goes. More effort during the day usually means you need more. Also, if the temperature is higher outside, you will probably need more water to stay hydrated. How do you know if you need to drink more water? Some signs of dehydration: His urine is medium to dark yellow in color. Dry mouth or throat After pinching, the skin on the back of the hand is smoothed Mild headache occurs Other ways to stay healthy and disease-free include eating more fruits and vegetables, controlling portions, and more. Eat more whole grains, be active, and exercise for at least 30 minutes every day! When it comes to hydration, the best advice is to replace your drinking soda or too much juice with water and in most cases enough tap water.
About the author-
Aquaplus is the only water in the UAE that is packed in a 5 gallon Bisphenol A (BPA) Free Bottle. Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that is used in making certain plastic products, and research has shown that this substance can seep into food and beverages stored in containers that are made with BPA.gallon water dubai, 5 gallon water price in uae, bottled water delivery dubai, best 5 gallon drinking water in dubai, Best Alkaline water company, Water suppliers in sharjah, water delivery abu dhabi, Aquaplus.